कालसर्प एक ऐसा योग है जो जातक के पूर्व जन्म के किसी जघन्य अपराध के दंड या शाप के फलस्वरूप उसकी जन्मकुंडली में परिलक्षित होता है। व्यावहारिक रूप से पीड़ित व्यक्ति आर्थिक व शारीरिक रूप से परेशान तो होता ही है, मुख्य रूप से उसे संतान संबंधी कष्ट होता है। या तो उसे संतान होती ही नहीं, या होती है तो वह बहुत ही दुर्बल व रोगी होती है। उसकी रोजी-रोटी का जुगाड़ भी बड़ी मुश्किल से हो पाता है। धनाढय घर में पैदा होने के बावजूद किसी न किसी वजह से उसे अप्रत्याशित रूप से आर्थिक क्षति होती रहती है। तरह तरह के रोग भी उसे परेशान किये रहते हैं।
Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran is formed when all the planets are situated between Rahu & Ketu. When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon’s north node and the moon’s south node Kalsarp Yog is formed. Complete Kalsarp Yog is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets.
By performing Kalsarp Shanti one gets blessed by 9 different species of snakes. Along with Kalsarp Shanti puja, Rahu & Ketu puja opens up the doors of success. By worshiping the gold idol of snake one gets blessed by Goddess Laxmi. The money earned is spent for right purpose. The unknown fear disappears from the mind. The mind is at peace and one starts thinking in a positive way. One gets respect in the society and also brings success in professional life. Family relations grow good and strong. Kalsarp Shanti puja protects a person from evil powers and energies. One gets an opportunity to serve his parents and elderly people in the family. Fear of snake vanishes by worshiping him. One gets rid of evil influence. Good health is achieved by performing Kalsarp Shanti Puja. One attains success in life by this puja.

Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh
This is when Rahu is in the ascendant and Ketu is in the seventh house. Due to this dosha, the people may have to deal with issues which may hamper his mental peace. There may be issues in his/her married life as well.

Kulik kaal sarp dosh
This is when Rahu is in the ascendant and Ketu is in the seventh house. Due to this dosha, the people may have to deal with issues which may hamper his mental peace. There may be issues in his/her married life as well.

Vasuki kaal sarp dosh
It is built when Rahu is in the third house in a horoscope and Ketu is in the ninth house. This dosha may make the native bashful and he wouldn’t be able to share a healthy relationship with his friends or brothers.

Shankhpal kaal sarp dosh
Rahu’s presence in the fourth house and Ketu’s in the tenth house, leads to the establishment of this dosha. The person may have to face finance, name, fame and property related problems.

Padam kaal sarp dosh
It is built when Rahu is in the fifth house and Ketu is in the eleventh house. The native who has this dosha in his kundli has to deal with marital and financial issues.

Mahapadam kaal sarp dosh
Rahu in the sixth house and Ketu in the twelfth built Mahapadam Kaal Sarp Dosha. The person may face hurdles in travelling abroad and will face money related issues as a result of this dosha.

Takshak kaal sarp dosh
The presence of Rahu in the seventh house and Ketu in ascendant forms this dosha. It makes delay in marriage and other marital issues.

Karkotak kaal sarp dosh
This type of dosha is when Rahu is in the eight houses and Ketu is in the second. It leads to issues on the financial front, the person may not be able to save much but the expenses may be big.

Shankhnaad kaal sarp dosh
Rahu in the ninth house and Ketu in the third house lead to the establishment of this dosha. Person may suffer from bad luck and have to face a lot of problems in his path.

Ghatak kaal sarp dosh
Rahu in the tenth house and Ketu in the fourth form this dosha. It creates hurdles in the person’s path.

Vishdhar kaal sarp dosh
When Rahu is in the eleventh house and Ketu is in the fifth, Vishakt Kaal Sarp Dosha is built. The person may have to face issues on the marital and education front as a result of this dosha.

Shashnaag kaal sarp dosh
This dosha is when Rahu is there in the twelfth house and Ketu is in the sixth. Due to this, the person would face some health and legal problems.